Archives par mot-clé : Bibliothèque publique européenne

Rapport d’EBLIDA 2022 sur le prêt de livres numériques (e-lending) dans les bibliothèques publiques

Eblida (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations) a publié en juin 2022 un panorama du prêt numérique en bibliothèque en Europe basé sur l’étude de 9 pays dont la France. II présente les différents modèles de prêt numérique et pointe les difficultés rencontrées (financières, techniques, juridiques).

First European Overview on E-lending in Public Libraries

 report prepared by EBLIDA EGIL (Expert Group on Information Law)

EBLIDA is laying the foundation for “sustainable copyright” in public libraries through the publication of the “First European overview on e-lending in public libraries”.

Carried out by the EBLIDA EGIL (Expert Group on Information Law) Group, the overview is based on a questionnaire transmitted to a network of experts including both EGIL members and experts suggested by NAPLE and the EBLIDA Executive Committee

The geographic scope of the study is restricted to nine countries. These countries were selected in accordance with several criteria: a prosperous book and e-book trade (Germany, France, Spain, Italy), a limited book trade with high level of digital literacy (e.g. Nordic countries), and countries where an e-book trade has never really taken off (Romania or Greece).

“With this Overview EBLIDA intends to pursue the objective of examining the independence of the e-book library trade and library acquisitions on national economic factors, legal constraints and institutional requirements”, says Ton van Vlimmeren, EBLIDA President.

This is only the first step in a series of more extensive activity on e-lending which “will have a follow up in-length, in width, and in-depth”, adds Giuseppe Vitiello, EBLIDA Director. In the near future, EBLIDA intends to enlarge the Overview to more countries (in-length), examine particular aspects of e-lending models and business models (in-width); and find the appropriate arguments to advocate for libraries at European level (in depth).


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