Welcome !
DLIS is open to contributions in French, English, German, Italian and Spanish.
Would you like to post a blog for us ?
Are you a graduate or post graduate student, teacher, librarian, engineer or designer? Are you interested or involved in digital transformations that span across the information sciences in your professional practice? Would you like to debate and share your point of view with others? Do you have information you’d like to share with us concerning conferences, symposiums, seminars, or workshops that you are organizing? Would you like to propose reading summaries or calls for papers?
Don’t hesitate to join us and submit your contributions to dlis@enssib.fr !
Your contributions will be validated by the reading committee and rapidly published online.
The format of the articles should be between 8000 and 12000 characters, including punctuation and spaces, and contain a brief text presenting the author. Any illustrations should be under the creative commons license.
We look forward to seeing you on our research log as well as on our Twitter feed, @carnetdlis to stay up to date on research in communication sciences, LIS, STI, DH and #Archinfo !