Who are we?
Born from the encounter between a book conservator and two information and communication science researchers, the Digital Libraries & Information Sciences group is working to construct a space for intellectual exchange between librarians and researchers in the humanities and social sciences, with particular respect to the digitization of information. Committed to the task of translating scientific texts into more accessible language, the group welcomes the input from all work in digitization within the LIS community; including not only researchers and librarians, but also engineers, designers, and any other vocations involved.
The objective is to nurture the expression of multiple points of view, and to share the questions, concerns, and operating procedures, which are common between LIS, computer science, and digital humanities.
What are the goals of the group ?
- Create a research group on neutral group in order to facilitate dialogue between information and library science professionals, and researchers within the information and communication sciences.
- Bridge the gap between the research and library worlds.
- Improve the stature and accessibility of student works (such as theses and dissertations).
- Create a space for exchange of, and reflection upon, professional procedures.
Why do all of this ?
The objective of this group is to identify the personnel involved in these domains, pinpoint the challenges they face, and assemble their various scientific stances for purposes of analysis and condensation.
What sets our approach apart is the mingling of the different approaches adopted by library professionals and information scientists.
When the discourses of the scientific research community and the LIS professionals find themselves struggling with the same debates, and their point of view meet, or inversely depart, in respect to their objectives and intentions, it is time to question our positions.
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Dlis (1 mars 2016). About us. DLIS. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/nsxf